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U.S. News

All You Need to Know About ‘Super Tuesday’

By Matt De Vlieger · January 28, 2024

Party Nomination

Super Tuesday often serves as a crucial turning point in the nomination process, with candidates aiming to secure a significant number of delegates to propel their campaigns forward. The outcomes on Super Tuesday can shape the narrative of the primary season, influencing fundraising efforts, media coverage, and the overall momentum of the candidates vying for their party's nomination.  PBS Newshour

March 5, 2024

Super Tuesday often serves as a turning point in the election cycle, influencing candidates' strategies and fundraising efforts, making it essential for political observers and voters to stay informed about the outcomes and their implications on the presidential campaigns.

Traditionally occurring early in the election year, Super Tuesday's date can vary; in 2024, it falls on March 5, bringing together a diverse mix of states across different regions of the United States.  Canva

Origin of Super Tuesday

Super Tuesday as we know it today began in 1988. The term was first used during the 1984 Democratic Party presidential primaries to refer to a group of Southern states holding their primaries on the same day. However, the concept gained prominence and its current format in the 1988 presidential election cycle when a larger number of states, including Southern and non-Southern states, scheduled their primaries or caucuses on the same day.  Los Angeles Times/Wikimedia Commons

Date Variability

Super Tuesday is not fixed on a specific date and can vary from one election cycle to another. The date is typically determined by state laws, party rules, and the overall primary calendar, resulting in variations in the number of participating states and territories as well as the timing of the event.  Pew

Diverse Demographics

Super Tuesday is known for its diverse array of states, each with its unique demographics and political landscapes. From populous states like California and Texas to smaller states like Vermont and Maine, Super Tuesday showcases the breadth of the American electorate and the varying issues that resonate with voters across different regions.  Canva

Strategic Campaigning

Candidates often deploy strategic campaign tactics leading up to Super Tuesday, focusing their resources and efforts on states where they believe they have the best chance of success. This strategic approach reflects the significance of Super Tuesday in the broader context of the presidential primary season.  Adrienne Campbell/Flickr

Delegate Counts

Super Tuesday's significance lies not only in the number of states participating but also in the substantial number of delegates at stake. Winning delegates on Super Tuesday can provide candidates with a considerable boost in their quest for the nomination, making it a pivotal moment in the race for the presidency.  Spectrum TV

Trump Toss-Up

During the 2016 Republican primaries on Super Tuesday, Donald Trump emerged victorious in seven states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont, and Virginia. However, he faced defeat in six other states: Alaska, Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Texas. Despite not winning every contest, Trump's strong performance on Super Tuesday solidified his frontrunner status and propelled him towards securing the Republican nomination for President of the United States.  

Super Duper Tuesday

"Super Duper Tuesday" typically refers to March 4, 2008, during the 2008 United States presidential primaries. This particular Super Tuesday was dubbed "Super Duper Tuesday" due to the large number of states holding their primary elections or caucuses simultaneously, with a significant number of delegates up for grabs. On that day, over 20 states held their nominating contests, including populous states like California, New York, and Texas. This made it one of the most critical days in the primary season, hence the nickname "Super Duper Tuesday." It played a crucial role in shaping the trajectories of the Democratic and Republican presidential nomination races in 2008.  Wikimedia Commons

States in 2024

So what are the 15 states and one territory participating in 2024?  Ballotpedia


With a significant African American population, Alabama's political dynamics make it a key battleground for African American voters during Super Tuesday.  Canva


Situated in the South, Arkansas boasts diverse geography, including the Ozark Mountains and the Mississippi River, shaping its political landscape.  Canva


As the most populous state, California's diverse population and large delegate count make it a pivotal player in the Super Tuesday primaries.  Canva


Known for its Rocky Mountains and a mix of urban and rural areas, Colorado's political diversity influences its role in Super Tuesday.  Canva


A New England state with a blend of urban and rural voters, Maine's participation adds to the regional diversity of Super Tuesday.  Canva


With a rich historical background and a diverse population, Massachusetts holds significance in the Super Tuesday primaries, particularly in urban areas like Boston.  Canva


Characterized by numerous lakes and vibrant cities, Minnesota's high voter turnout and civic engagement contribute to its role in Super Tuesday.  Canva

North Carolina

Representing the South, North Carolina's mix of urban and rural areas shapes its political significance during Super Tuesday.  Canva


With diverse landscapes and political dynamics, Oklahoma's role in Super Tuesday reflects its rural and small-town voter base.  Canva


Combining urban and rural voters, Tennessee's mix of conservative and moderate voters impacts the overall delegate count on Super Tuesday.  Canva


As the second-largest state, Texas holds substantial sway in Super Tuesday primaries, boasting a large and diverse population.  Canva


Known for stunning natural landscapes, Utah's participation adds to the regional and demographic diversity of Super Tuesday, with a substantial Mormon population.  Canva


A predominantly rural state, Vermont's progressive politics and smaller population contribute to the broader electoral landscape during Super Tuesday.  Canva


With historical significance and diverse demographics, Virginia's urban areas, suburbs, and ethnic communities play a crucial role in Super Tuesday.  Canva

American Samoa

As a U.S. territory, American Samoa's Democratic caucus adds a unique dimension to Super Tuesday, reflecting Pacific Islanders' cultural influences.  Canva

Eligibility to Vote

Eligible voters must be U.S. citizens who meet their state's residency requirements. They must also be at least 18 years old by the date of the general election.  Canva

Voter Registration

Prior registration to vote is typically required. Eligible individuals must register with their state's election authorities within a specified timeframe before the primary election date. Registration deadlines vary by state, so it's essential to check the requirements and deadlines in your state.  Canva

Party Affiliation

Some states have closed primaries, where only registered members of a particular political party can participate in that party's primary election. In such states, voters must declare their party affiliation when registering to vote or at the polls on primary election day. Other states have open or semi-open primaries, allowing registered voters to participate in any party's primary regardless of their party affiliation.  Canva


Depending on the state, voters may be required to show identification at the polling place to verify their identity. Acceptable forms of identification vary by state and may include a driver's license, state-issued ID card, passport, or other government-issued photo ID.  Canva

State Specifics

Voters must be aware of the date of the primary election in their state and the available voting methods. Primary dates vary by state, and voters can cast their ballots either in person at designated polling places or through absentee or early voting options where available.  Canva

Understanding Ballot Options

In some states, voters may have the option to vote by mail-in ballot or participate in early voting periods leading up to the primary election date. Understanding the available voting options and deadlines is crucial for ensuring participation in the primary election process.  Canva

Compliance with State Laws

It's important for voters to familiarize themselves with their state's election laws and regulations to ensure compliance with any specific requirements or procedures for participating in the presidential primary.  Canva