Clever Rebel

Human Rights

Nearly 10 Journalists Killed Each Week in Deadliest Month on Record

By Matt De Vlieger · November 9, 2023

The Israel-Gaza conflict has escalated, leaving an even more devastating impact on journalists in the region. We have continued to report on the situation, out of respect to our brothers and sisters in the press, risking their lives to share information with the outside world.

Since October 7, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reports that at least 39 journalists and media workers have lost their lives, making it the deadliest month for journalists since CPJ began gathering data in 1992.

The conflict, initiated by Hamas’ unprecedented attack on Israel, has resulted in over 11,000 deaths, with over 10,000 Palestinian casualties in Gaza and the West Bank, and 1,400 deaths in Israel. The toll on journalists includes 34 Palestinians, 4 Israelis, and 1 Lebanese.

Journalists in Gaza face exceptionally high risks as they strive to cover the conflict amid an Israeli ground assault on Gaza City, airstrikes, disrupted communications, and extensive power outages. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has been unable to guarantee the safety of journalists operating in the Gaza Strip, leading to heightened dangers for media professionals.

As of November 8, the updated statistics are as follows:

CPJ emphasizes that journalists are civilians doing vital work during times of crisis and must not be targeted by warring parties. Sherif Mansour, CPJ’s Middle East and North Africa program coordinator, highlights the sacrifices journalists are making, particularly in Gaza, where they face unprecedented threats and pay an exponential toll.

The list published by CPJ includes names based on information obtained from their sources in the region and media reports, encompassing all journalists involved in news-gathering activities. While it remains unclear whether all these journalists were covering the conflict at the time of their deaths, CPJ includes them in the count as investigations into their circumstances continue. The situation is continually evolving, with CPJ updating the list regularly.

The escalation in journalist casualties underscores the urgent need for all parties involved to prioritize the safety of media professionals, recognizing their role as civilians contributing to the broader understanding of the conflict.

Just three days ago, German State’s English news broadcasting outfit, DW, reported that its reporters had been harassed and threatened by IDF for their reporting. In a tweet, DW said:

Israeli soldiers in the occupied West Bank "threatened" a team of journalists from the German public broadcaster ARD with their weapons, the network said. Its Tel Aviv studio called the incident an attack on press freedom. The IDF has apologized for "any inconvenience caused."

Israel is also working to censor Al Jazeera which may soon become inaccessible under “emergency regulations” which will allow Israeli government ministers to switch off the Qatari broadcaster, a main source of non-Zionist international TV coverage of the war in Gaza and the region.

Israel’s targeting of journalists is nothing new. In 2018, the Nation published a piece, To Be a Palestinian Journalist in Gaza Is to Be Always Under Threat. In it, those interviewed said:

Everyone is targeted. Even if you’re a journalist.… As long as you are Palestinian and there, you are targeted.