Clever Rebel

U.S. News

US Bombs 4 Countries in Under 4 Weeks

By Matt De Vlieger · January 29, 2024

Controversial Campaigns

The President's involvement in controversial military campaigns, set against the backdrop of generally unpopular conflicts, is now emerging as a potential factor that could impact the upcoming election.  CodePink

Explosive Start to 2024

In the initial weeks of 2024, President Biden has authorized military actions in four nations, comprising Yemen, Iraq, Syria, and Somalia  The White House/Public Domain

Not Without Criticism

The President's decision to engage in these military operations without explicit Congressional approval has prompted vocal criticism from various quarters. Particularly noteworthy is the context of these actions occurring during a period marked by historically unprecedented military budgets.  @ggreenwald/Twitter

President, Pew Pew

President Biden's significant military and financial backing of Israel is becoming a divisive point within the Democratic Party, with polls indicating a decline in support among Democrats.  Pew Research Center

Correlation with Commitments

According to a recent Gallup survey, Democrats' sympathies for the Palestinians exceeded those for the Israelis for the first time in the United States. This shift coincided with a decline in Democrats' approval of President Biden, particularly following the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas and Biden's subsequent pledge of full support for Israel on the same day.  Steve Eason/Flickr

Impact on Polls

"US President Joe Biden is at risk of losing support from Muslim Arab-American voters as his administration bombs four Muslim-majority countries in the first month of the new year." - Mint Press  @mintpress/Instagram

Electoral Risks

Critics argue that the President's decisions may not only jeopardize his own standing but could also have broader implications for the Democratic Party's electoral prospects.  CodePink

Insult to Injury

Recently, the President was asked if the bombing campaign in Yemen were "stopping the Houthis". Biden said: "No. Are they going to continue? Yes.  CodePink