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U.S. News

Gallup: Americans Don’t Know What Their Healthcare Costs

By Matt De Vlieger · February 1, 2024

Price Blindness

Only 17% of U.S. adults know the cost of their healthcare services before receiving them, indicating a widespread lack of awareness across demographic groups.  CAnva

Cost Confusion

The Bentley-Gallup Business in Society Report, based on a survey of 5,458 U.S. adults, highlights widespread concerns about healthcare cost transparency.  Canva

Spending Surges: Healthcare spending in the U.S. reached a record $4.5 trillion in 2022, with individuals facing costs of $13,493 per person, leading to a growing number of Americans postponing medical care due to financial constraints.  Canva

Transparency Dilemma

95% of Americans believe healthcare organizations should provide clearer cost information before delivering care, reflecting a desire for greater transparency.  Gallup

Quality Perception

Most Americans, regardless of demographic background, feel that the cost of healthcare services does not accurately reflect their quality, with only about 30% believing otherwise.  Gallup

Delayed Care

Despite increasing healthcare costs, Americans are finding it challenging to access crucial information about the cost of their healthcare services, exacerbating concerns about transparency.  Canva

Information Deficit

The lack of upfront cost knowledge before receiving healthcare services underscores a broader societal issue of inadequate transparency in healthcare.  Canva

Transparency Gap

These findings suggest a disconnect between the desire for clearer healthcare cost information and the current reality of limited transparency.  Canva

Desire vs Reality

Improved transparency in healthcare costs is crucial for addressing the growing concerns among Americans and ensuring informed decision-making regarding healthcare services.  Canva

Clarity Crisis

As healthcare costs continue to rise, there is a pressing need for healthcare organizations to prioritize transparency and provide clearer information about the costs of their services to meet the expectations of the American public.  Canva