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U.S. News

Is Biden Planning an Attack on Iran?

By Matt De Vlieger · January 30, 2024

Escalation with Iran

As tensions escalate following a drone attack on a U.S. base in Jordan, purportedly carried out by Iran-backed militants, speculation mounts regarding President Joe Biden's response. Here's what we know...  Canva

Biden's Decision

President Biden has confirmed that a decision has been made regarding the U.S. response to the drone attack. When asked about the response, Biden stated, "Yes."  Lisa Ferdinando/Department of Defense

Fallen Soldiers

Sgt. William J. Rivers, 46, served in the Army Reserve as an interior electrician. Among his awards and decorations are the Army Achievement Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon. 

Spc. Kennedy L. Sanders, 24, served in the Army Reserve as a horizontal construction engineer. Her awards and decorations include the National Defense Service Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon.

Spc. Breonna A. Moffett, 23, served in the Army Reserve as a horizontal construction engineer. Her awards include the National Defense Service Medal and the Army Service Ribbon.  Dept. of Defense

Iran's Role

While Biden stopped short of directly blaming Iran for the attack, he held the country responsible for arming the proxy groups believed to be behind the assault.  Canva

Avoiding Escalation

The Biden administration has emphasized its reluctance to engage in wider conflict in the Middle East and has stated that it is not seeking a war with Iran.  Canva

Challenges and Options

Biden faces the challenge of responding forcefully to the attack while avoiding further escalation in the region. The White House has not ruled out any options but has expressed caution regarding direct strikes on Iran.  Department of Defense

Political Pressures

The escalating tensions could have significant implications for Biden's reelection efforts, especially considering existing political pressures surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict.The situation remains fluid as the Biden administration weighs its response, balancing the need for deterrence with the goal of preventing broader conflict in the region.  Canva

Blaming Iran

"In terms of attribution for the attack, we know this is an [Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ]-backed militia... It has the footprints of Kataib Hezbollah. But not making a final assessment on that, our teams here are continuing to do the analysis. We know that Iran is behind it. And certainly as we've said before ... Iran continues to arm and equip these groups to launch these attacks, and we will certainly hold them responsible."  Department of Defense

"We are not looking for a war with Iran," National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said at Monday's White House press briefing."We are not seeking a conflict with the regime in the military way," Kirby continued. "We're not looking to escalate here. This attack over the weekend was escalatory, make no mistake about it. And it requires a response."   Carlos M. Vazquez II/OCJCS