Clever Rebel

U.S. News

Senate Republicans Predict Trump Triumph in Iowa

By Matt De Vlieger · January 15, 2024

Trump Favored in Iowa

Republican senators anticipate a significant win for former President Trump in the Iowa caucuses, setting the stage for a strong New Hampshire performance and a potential presidential nomination.

Photo credit: Trump image from White House Portait/Public Domain and stylized in Canva  

Polls Show Wide Lead

Recent polls show Trump leading Haley by a substantial margin in Iowa, while she and DeSantis compete closely.

New Hampshire

Trump's lead narrows in New Hampshire, but GOP senators believe it won't affect his overall dominance.  Canva

South Carolina

The South Carolina primary presents a significant challenge for Haley, with Trump leading by 30 points.  Canva

McConnell Refrains

Despite endorsements favoring Trump, McConnell and Thune refrain from endorsing, underscoring uncertainties.  Gage Skidmore/Flickr

Primary Battleground

The GOP landscape sees Trump as the frontrunner, with Iowa shaping up as a crucial battleground, setting the tone for the upcoming primaries.  Canva

Romney Predicts

Senator Mitt Romney, Trump's critic, envisions a Trump triumph in Iowa, giving him momentum. Haley's potential second-place finish in Iowa may boost her New Hampshire prospects.

Photo credit: Romney image from Creative Commons and stylized in Canva  Gage Skidmore/Flickr

De Santis Skepticism

DeSantis, once hopeful for an Iowa rally, faces skepticism, with senators largely dismissing his chances after extensive spending.

Photo credit: DeSantis image from Creative Commons and stylized in Canva  

Consolidating Support

Senators express a desire for an early Trump victory to consolidate party support, with Cramer asserting that even a New Hampshire win for Haley won't alter Trump's nomination prospects.  Canva

Haley's Chances

Despite divided support, GOP lawmakers view Trump as the clear favorite, even as Nikki Haley is seen with a slim chance.

Photo credit: Hayley image from Creative Commons and stylized in Canva  

Graham On Board

Senator Lindsey Graham, a Trump endorser, expects a historic win for Trump in Iowa. Judd Gregg presents a bullish scenario for Haley, emphasizing her potential in Super Tuesday states.

Photo credit: Trump & Graham image from Creative Commons and stylized in Canva  Trump White House Archives/Flickr