Clever Rebel

U.S. News

Senator Wants Israel Penalties Over Blocked Aid

By Matt De Vlieger · January 12, 2024

Challenges in Aid Delivery to Gaza

Democratic Senator Van Hollen told CBS in an interview with Meet the Press, "There are two big things that are happening. One is the unnecessarily cumbersome process, going through the Israeli screening process..."  Senator Van Hollen/US Senate

Observing the Border

Senators Jeff Merkley and Chris Van Hollen visited the southern border crossing between Egypt and Gaza at Rafah. He was not happy with what he saw and things Israel should face consequences.  Senator Van Hollen/US Senate

Israel Rejecting Humanitarian Aid

"Many items that should be allowed to go into Gaza, water- sort of- filtration systems, other systems like that, were in a warehouse of rejected items..."  Senator Van Hollen/US Senate

On Airdropping Aid into Gaza

"I think we should consider every means to try to get desperately needed humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The problem with airdrops is it's just not at scale."  Face The Nation/CBS

Consequences for Israel's Actions

"Yes, I do think there have to be consequences... that would require that country to cooperate fully with the United States in providing humanitarian assistance..."  Face The Nation/CBS

On Immigration Policies at the U.S. Border

"President Biden is well aware of the unacceptable challenges that we're facing right now at the U.S. border, which is why he provided a large number of additional- proposed additional resources for Border Patrol agents."  Face The Nation/CBS

Biden Interrupted

Earlier today, Mr Biden was addressing a campaign event in Charleston, South Carolina, discussing the 2015 mass shooting at the church when protesters interrupted, urging him to call for a Gaza ceasefire.  USA Today

Despite the interruption, President Biden attempted to calm the protesters, acknowledging their passion and revealing ongoing efforts to work with the Israeli government to reduce and withdraw significantly from Gaza.  

Quiet Negotiations

"That’s alright”, Biden said, as protestors were escorted out by security. The President said, I understand their passion. And I’ve been quietly working with the Israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of Gaza."