Clever Rebel


Top EU Diplomat Condemns Israel’s Support of Hamas

By Matt De Vlieger · January 22, 2024

Accusing Israel

In a striking statement, Josep Borrell, the European Union's top diplomat, accused Israel of "creating" and "financing" the Palestinian militant group Hamas.

Speaking on Friday, stating: "Hamas has been financed by the Israeli government to try to weaken the Palestinian Authority of Fatah."   Ministro de Asuntos Exteriores/UniĆ³n Europea y CooperaciĆ³n

Two-State Solution

The EU's foreign policy chief suggested that external imposition of a two-state solution might be necessary for lasting peace, given Israel's resistance.  European Parliament/Creative Commons

External Forces

"We believe that a two-state solution must be imposed from outside to bring peace. Although, I insist, Israel is reaffirming its refusal, and to prevent it they have gone so far as to create Hamas themselves."  European Parliament/Creative Commons

Netanyahu's Rejection

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in recent days, reiterated his opposition to a Palestinian state, drawing criticism from the United States, which advocates for a "two-state solution."  Jolanda Flubacher/World Economic Forum

Hamas Oirigins

Hamas, formed in 1987 during the first Palestinian intifada, emerged to counter the influence of groups like the Islamic Jihad and the mainly secular Palestine Liberation Organization.  Guilherme Paula/Oren neu dag

Recent Remarks

Borrell warned of a perpetuation of violence and hatred if strong intervention does not occur, emphasizing the potential intergenerational impact. His remarks were made in Spanish during a speech at the University of Valladolid in central Spain, where he was honored with a doctorate.  European Parliament/Creative Commons

Ending Cycles

"If we do not intervene strongly, the spiral of hate and violence will continue from generation to generation, from funeral to funeral, as the seeds of hatred that are being sown in Gaza today flourish."  Palestinian News & Information Agency (Wafa)

Growing Criticism

Borrell's accusations add a diplomatic dimension to the longstanding conflict often unheard from Western allies of Israel, but vocal criticism is increasing as the barriers of what is considered reasonable have been breeched by the current Israeli administration, particularly with regards to their potentially criminal handling of Gaza.