Clever Rebel

U.S. News

FEC Fines Radical Republican Greene $12K

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) imposes a $12,000 fine on Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene for alleged illegal PAC fundraising, as per a recently accepted conciliation agreement.

January 10, 2024

Fundraising Violation

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is fined $12,000 by the FEC for purportedly engaging in illegal PAC fundraising activities.  US Congress

FECA Breach

Greene allegedly violated the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 by reposting a PAC advertisement on her official social media accounts.  FEC

Stop Socialism Now PAC

The advertisement, created by "Stop Socialism Now PAC," aimed to raise funds to prevent Democratic Senators Warnock and Ossoff from securing seats in the 2021 Senate runoff elections.  FEC

Solicitation Allegations

The FEC contends that Greene's reposting of the ad, including on-screen text urging contributions and a donation webpage link, amounted to solicitation of non-federal funds.  Canva

Conciliation Agreement

The FEC accepted the conciliation agreement in early December, providing Greene with a 30-day compliance period.  Canva

Controversial Figure

Since her election in 2020, Greene has been a divisive and controversial figure in American politics, facing setbacks such as the recent cancellation of an event at a Florida resort, citing a lack of awareness regarding the event's purpose.  US Congress

FEC Agreement

In the recent conciliation agreement, the Federal Election Commission (FEC) fined Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene $12,000 for alleged illegal PAC fundraising, highlighting the FEC's role as the regulatory body overseeing campaign finance laws and ensuring compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act.


Alleged Political Assassinations Linked to Vladimir Putin

Explore Putin’s alleged political assassinations. Cases involve critics of the Russian government, with suspicions of political motives. Limited direct evidence linking Putin. Delve into the circumstances and ongoing discussions surrounding these controversial incidents.

January 10, 2024

Putin's alleged victims

Putin's Suspicious Trail

Vladmir Putin's alleged political assassinations have continued throughout his many years in office. Cases involve critics of the Russian government, with suspicions of political motives and often limited direct evidence linking Putin. Delve into the circumstances and ongoing discussions surrounding these controversial incidents.  

Anna Politkovskaya (2006)

Cause of Death: Shot.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Case Overview: An investigative journalist and critic of Putin, Politkovskaya was murdered in her Moscow apartment building. Her work focused on human rights abuses in Chechnya, and suspicions of government involvement persist.  AP

Alexander Litvinenko (2006)

Cause of Death: Polonium-210 poisoning.
Location: London, United Kingdom.
Case Overview: Litvinenko, a former Russian FSB officer and vocal critic of Putin, died in London. A UK inquiry concluded that his murder was probably approved by the Russian government.  Getty

Natalia Estemirova (2009)

Cause of Death: Abducted and shot.
Location: Chechnya, Russia.
Case Overview: Estemirova, a human rights activist and critic of the Kremlin, was abducted in Chechnya and later found dead. Her work focused on exposing human rights abuses in the region.  

Stanislav Markelov (2009)

Cause of Death: Shot.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Case Overview: Markelov, a human rights lawyer, was killed in Moscow. He had represented the family of a Chechen girl murdered by a Russian colonel. The motives behind his murder remain a subject of speculation.  

Anastasia Baburova (2009)

Cause of Death: Shot.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Case Overview: Baburova, a journalist, was killed in Moscow. She was known for her work, and her murder occurred alongside Stanislav Markelov. The motives behind their murders remain a subject of speculation.  

Boris Berezovsky (2013)

Cause of Death: Found hanged.
Location: Sunninghill, United Kingdom.
Case Overview: Once a powerful oligarch and political opponent of Putin, Berezovsky was found dead in his UK home. The official cause of death was ruled as suicide, but doubts and conspiracy theories persist.  

Boris Nemtsov (2015)

Cause of Death: Shot.
Location: Moscow, Russia.
Case Overview: A prominent opposition politician, Nemtsov was assassinated near the Kremlin. Many believe his murder was politically motivated, but direct evidence linking it to Putin remains elusive.  

Denis Voronenkov (2017)

Cause of Death: Shot.
Location: Kyiv, Ukraine.
Case Overview: A former Russian parliamentarian and critic of Putin, Voronenkov was assassinated in Kyiv, Ukraine. He had fled to Ukraine and was cooperating with Ukrainian authorities in investigations against former President Yanukovych.  

Sergei Skripal (2018)

Cause of Death (Survived): Poisoned with a nerve agent.
Location: Salisbury, United Kingdom.
Case Overview: Skripal, a former Russian intelligence officer and double agent, survived a nerve agent attack in Salisbury, UK. The UK government accused Russian authorities of involvement, leading to diplomatic tensions.  

U.S. News

Artificial Joe Biden Looks Out At Rubble

Digital artist “Imad” uses artificial intelligence to depict Biden proudly amidst Gaza devastation caused by US-backed Israeli military. The images draw attention to Biden’s role and US opposition to Gaza ceasefire, fueling the hashtag #GenocideJoe amid criticism of complicity in civilian deaths and displacement. The artist satirically pins responsibility for the destruction on Biden.

January 10, 2024

Biden's overall approval rating is 37%, dropping to 33% for his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and among voters under 30, it is 26% and 20% respectively. Additionally, 45% of voters under 30 disapprove of Biden on the conflict, attributing it to perceived excessive support for Israel, while overall, 19% express this sentiment. Imad/Instagram

Down to the White Capped Smile

Everything about the demeanor says Joe, and that's what makes the art work eerily effective. The Biden Administration, along with the US delegation to the United Nations, opposes resolutions for a Gaza ceasefire, standing as the sole supporter of the militarized response causing significant civilian casualties and displacing million of people.  @caludgero/Instagram

Blocking Ceasefire

Among voters under 30, 45% disapprove of Biden's handling of the conflict, citing perceived excessive support for Israel, while overall, 19% share this sentiment.  @caludgero/Instagram

A Believeable Optic

AI generated Biden stands proudly amidst the rubble.  @caludgero/Instagram

AI Makes a Point

Digital artist and activist Imad on Instagram has used AI to super impose the US President Joe Biden observing the military devastation in Gaza.  @caludgero/Instagram

Satiricly Superheroesque

Computer generated art of Biden stepping from the flames.  @caludgero/Instagram

Drawing Links

The artist places the President standing almost heroically and proudly amidst burning rubbel from US weapons given to Israel.  @caludgero/Instagram

Lifelike Accuracy

The computer gerenated President looks real down to the straight-across trimming of his long-grown hair-plugs across the top of his neck.  @caludgero/Instagram

US Responsibility

The artist doesn't just imply Biden's responsibility. He says it clearly in the caption.  @caludgero/Instagram

Here's Why

Imad aka @caludgero posted the photos to his Instagram account just days before Christmas. Since then they have been making the rounds.  @caludgero/Instagram

Tan Jacket for the Levant Tones

Computer generated Joe Biden even dressed for the region, donning sand and desert colors against the destruction.  @caludgero/Instagram

Genocide Joe

In recent weeks pro-Palestine activists have taken to the hastag #GenocideJoe to call out the President's complicity in Israel's militarized response to the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas. Biden's overall approval rating is 37%, dropping to 33% for his handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and among voters under 30, it is 26% and 20% respectively.  @caludgero/Instagram

U.S. News

US Senator demands consequences for Israel Copy

Senator Van Hollen demands consequences for Israel over Gaza: cites aid obstruction, civilian deaths, and worsening crisis. President Biden was interrupted at campaign event in Charleston, South Carolina by protestors calling for ceasefire.

January 8, 2024

Observing the Border

Senators Jeff Merkley and Chris Van Hollen visited the southern border crossing between Egypt and Gaza at Rafah. He was not happy with what he saw and things Israel should face consequences.  Senator Van Hollen's Office

Challenges in Aid Delivery to Gaza

Democratic Senator Van Hollen told CBS in an interview with Meet the Press, "There are two big things that are happening. One is the unnecessarily cumbersome process, going through the Israeli screening process..."  Senator Van Hollen's Office

Israel Rejecting Humanitarian Aid

"Many items that should be allowed to go into Gaza, water- sort of- filtration systems, other systems like that, were in a warehouse of rejected items..."  Senator Van Hollen's Office

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

"...makes it very difficult to get the help to people who need it, people who are starving, and where they're on the verge of an outbreak of cholera and other diseases."  AFP

On Airdropping Aid into Gaza

"I think we should consider every means to try to get desperately needed humanitarian assistance into Gaza. The problem with airdrops is it's just not at scale."  Face The Nation/CBS

Consequences for Israel's Actions

"Yes, I do think there have to be consequences... that would require that country to cooperate fully with the United States in providing humanitarian assistance..."  Face The Nation/CBS

On Immigration Policies at the U.S. Border

"President Biden is well aware of the unacceptable challenges that we're facing right now at the U.S. border, which is why he provided a large number of additional- proposed additional resources for Border Patrol agents."  Face The Nation/CBS


20 Famous Songs About Social Justice Issues

A perfect Social Justice Playlist! From timeless anthems like “Imagine” advocating unity, to the poignant “Straight to Hell” by The Clash addressing displacement, explore a diverse collection reflecting on equality, activism, and the human experience. Let the music inspire change!

January 7, 2024

"Imagine" by John Lennon (1971)

Envisions a world without divisions, strife, and conflict, promoting peace, unity, and understanding as the keys to creating a harmonious and ideal society.  John Lennon/YouTube

"What's Going On" by Marvin Gaye (1971)

This classic explores a myriad of societal issues, urging people to awaken to the world's problems, fostering empathy, understanding, and a collective commitment to positive changes.  Los Angeles Times/UCLA Library

"Zombie" by The Cranberries (1994)

This eerily beautiful song conveys a powerful anti-war message, using the Troubles in Northern Ireland as a backdrop, urging society to reflect on the devastating impact of violence and strive for peace.  Zombies/Vevo

"Another Day in Paradise" by Phil Collins (1990)

This song illuminates the stark reality of homelessness, challenging society to recognize the plight of the less fortunate and prompting a call for empathy and action.  Phil Collins/YouTube

"Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman (1988)

This guitar led song chronicles the struggles of poverty and dreams for a better life, inspiring listeners to break free from challenging circumstances and pursue a brighter future through resilience and determination.  Wikimedia

"Where is the Love?" by The Black Eyed Peas (2003)

The song addresses global issues such as terrorism, racism, and inequality, pleading for love, unity, and empathy to triumph over societal challenges.  Black Eyed Peas/YouTube

"Man in the Mirror" by Michael Jackson (1988)

This song encourages self-reflection and personal responsibility as catalysts for positive societal change, emphasizing the importance of individual efforts in creating a better world.  Michael Jackson/YouTube

"Same Love" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis ft. Mary Lambert (2012)

The rap song advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and equality, challenging societal norms and prejudices while promoting acceptance, love, and equal rights for the LGBTQ+ community.  Macklemore/YouTube

"Born in the U.S.A." by Bruce Springsteen (1984)

This anthem critiques the treatment of Vietnam War veterans and the challenges they face upon returning home, prompting a call for understanding, support, and recognition of the impact of war on individuals.  Bruce Springsteen/Vevo

"Under Pressure" by Queen and David Bowie (1981)

Explores the universal theme of pressure and societal struggles, urging individuals to empathize with others and navigate challenges together in a world filled with pressures.  PSU

"Straight to Hell" by The Clash (1982)

This song, which was later sampled, Addresses the impact of war, displacement, and the plight of marginalized individuals. The song reflects on the experiences of immigrants and mixed-race children, exploring themes of alienation, cultural identity, and the harsh realities faced by those living on the fringes of society. The poignant lyrics offer a social commentary on the consequences of conflict and the struggles of those who are often overlooked or forgotten.  The Clash/YouTube

"Give Peace a Chance" by John Lennon (1969)

This is a timeless anthem for peace, encouraging people to come together, reject conflict, and strive for a world of harmony and unity.  John Lennon/YouTube

"What About Us" by P!nk (2017)

The song addresses societal issues and political disillusionment, expressing a desire for justice, equality, and accountability in the face of contemporary challenges.  Pink/YouTube

"People Have the Power" by Patti Smith (1988)

This song empowers individuals to recognize their collective strength and influence, advocating for social and political change through the power of the people.  Patty Smith/Youtube

"A Change Is Gonna Come" by Sam Cooke (1964)

The song chronicles the struggles of African Americans during the civil rights movement, expressing hope and anticipation for positive change.  Getty

"Redemption Song" by Bob Marley (1980)

This epic song examines the legacy of slavery and the journey to freedom, encouraging listeners to emancipate themselves from mental slavery and seek redemption.  Bob Marley/YouTube

"Pride (In the Name of Love)" by U2 (1984)

This song Honors the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and promotes the ideals of love and equality in the face of injustice.  U2/YouTube

"Beds Are Burning" by Midnight Oil (1987)

The song advocates for indigenous land rights and environmental justice, compelling society to acknowledge the rights of Indigenous people and address environmental concerns.  Midnight Oil/YouTube

"What It's Like" by Everlast (1998)

This song explores issues of poverty, addiction, and prejudice, encouraging empathy and understanding for those facing societal challenges.  Everlast/YouTube

"Changes" by Tupac Shakur (1998)

This amazing song addresses issues of racial inequality and social injustice, emphasizing the need for positive change and unity within the African American community.  2pac/Vevo

U.S. News

These Republicans Voted With Dems. on Mayorkas Impeachment

House GOP’s impeachment move against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reveals party divisions. November’s 209-201 vote saw eight Republicans, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, defy party lines. Mayorkas defended by DHS amid claims of a “baseless political exercise.

January 4, 2024

Rep. Patrick McHenry (N.C.)

House Republicans push forward with impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, revealing internal party divisions. Here are the 8 who voted broke with their party in November.  Trump White House Archived

Rep. Tom McClintock (Calif.)

In November, the House voted 209-201 in favor of impeachment proceedings, with eight Republicans crossing party lines, exposing a notable split within the GOP.  Gage Skidmore

Rep. John Duarte (Calif.)

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) introduced the impeachment resolution, emphasizing Mayorkas's perceived failure in overseeing border security.  Congress

Rep. Virginia Foxx (N.C.)

Despite reservations within the Republican Party, the impeachment resolution prompts GOP leadership to conduct a floor vote, highlighting internal dissent.  Congress

Rep. Darrell Issa (Calif.)

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) staunchly defends Mayorkas, denouncing the impeachment efforts as a "baseless political exercise" and a "harmful distraction."  Congress

Rep. Cliff Bentz (Ore.)

DHS spokesperson Mia Ehrenberg criticizes the impeachment as a harmful distraction from the department's national security priorities, emphasizing its baseless nature.  Congress

Rep. Ken Buck (Colo.)

While House Republicans have the votes for impeachment, the path faces significant hurdles in the Democratic-controlled Senate, intensifying partisan tensions over immigration policies.  Congress

Rep. Mike Turner (Ohio.)

The impeachment development highlights political dynamics within the Department of Homeland Security, emphasizing the challenges faced by Mayorkas in maintaining unity amid immigration complexities.  Congress


Japan authorities release audio log of flight in flames

Japanese authorities release a transcript of air traffic control conversations moments before the Tokyo Haneda airport plane crash. Contradictions emerge regarding permissions, and investigators scrutinize potential human error. Pilots unaware of fire initially, raising concerns about safety procedures.

January 4, 2024

Unraveling the Tragedy

Authorities in Japan release a full transcript detailing air traffic control conversations moments before the fatal plane crash at Tokyo's Haneda airport.  Yomiuri Shimbun/AP

Controlled Discussions

The transcript reveals discussions between the control tower and the two planes involved in the collision – a Japan Airlines passenger jet and a smaller coastguard plane.  Japan Transport Ministry/Skynews

Confirmations and Contradictions

The coastguard plane, as per the transcript, seemingly confirmed the hold order before the collision. However, the captain of the smaller aircraft, the sole survivor, claims to have entered the runway with permission, adding a layer of contradiction  Japan Transport Ministry/Skynews

Landing Permission and Waiting Orders

The Tower transcript suggests that the Japan Airlines (JAL) passenger flight was granted permission to land, while the coastguard plane received instructions to wait at a holding point next to the runway.  Japan Transport Ministry/Skynews

In-flight Fire Unnoticed

Pilots on the JAL passenger flight were reportedly unaware of the in-flight fire initially, despite later dramatic images of the plane engulfed in flames. The chief flight attendant informed the cockpit about the fire.  

Ongoing Investigations

Authorities are investigating the circumstances leading to the tragic collision, including how both planes ended up on the same runway, with a focus on potential human error and the status of safety measures, such as malfunctioning stop lights, on the runway.  


19 Remarkable New Years Celebrations Across the Globe

As the clock strikes midnight, the world welcomes the New Year with diverse celebrations. From Sydney’s vibrant fireworks to Tokyo’s temple visits, Edinburgh’s Hogmanay to Havana’s Año Viejo burning, each corner of the globe marks the occasion uniquely, weaving a tapestry of cultural festivities. Cheers to the shared joy, traditions, and the promise of new beginnings!

December 31, 2023

Cape Town, South Africa

The V&A Waterfront in Cape Town hosts a vibrant New Year's celebration with live music, parties, and a breathtaking fireworks show over the iconic Table Mountain. Also, the Cape Minstrels Carnival have to be seen and heard to be truly appreciated.  South African Tourism

Tokyo, Japan

In Japan, New Year's celebrations include visiting temples, enjoying traditional foods like toshikoshi soba, and watching the ringing of the Joya no Kane (New Year's Eve bells).  peaceful-jp-scenery/Flickr

Sydney, Australia

Sydney is famous for its spectacular New Year's Eve fireworks display over the iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House.   Hai Linh Truong/Flickr

Edinburgh, Scotland

Edinburgh hosts one of the world's largest New Year's Eve street parties, known as Hogmanay, featuring live music, fireworks, and the traditional "first-footer" custom.  Visit Britain

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Brazilians celebrate New Year's on the famous Copacabana Beach with a massive fireworks display, live music, and traditional white attire believed to bring good luck.  Flavio Veloso/Flickr

New York City, USA

The iconic Times Square New Year's Eve ball drop attracts millions to the heart of Manhattan, with celebrities, confetti, and a countdown to midnight.  Anthony Quintano/Flickr

Berlin, Germany

Berlin's New Year's Eve party at the Brandenburg Gate is renowned for its live music stages, light shows, and a grand fireworks display at the stroke of midnight. But the real un happens on the streets, where pedestrians shoot fireworks off into the sky and across the river Spree.  

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, features a dazzling fireworks show, complemented by synchronized music and light displays.  Bengin Ahmad/Flickr

Havana, Cuba

Cubans celebrate by burning life-sized dolls, known as "Año Viejo," symbolizing the old year. The act is believed to bring good luck for the coming year.  Etienne Le Cocq/Wikimedia

Amsterdam, Netherlands

New Year's Eve in Amsterdam is marked by fireworks over the city's canals, festive street parties, and the tradition of oliebollen, a type of Dutch doughnut.  Amsterdam Sights

Bangkok, Thailand

In Thailand, people celebrate the traditional Thai New Year, Songkran, with water fights, religious ceremonies, and vibrant street parties.  Nik Cyclist

Valparaíso, Chile

Valparaíso's New Year's Eve fireworks display is renowned as one of the most spectacular in South America, lighting up the sky over the Pacific Ocean.  Davidlohr Bueso/Flickr

Vienna, Austria

The New Year's Concert by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, held at the Musikverein, is a classical music tradition enjoyed by millions worldwide.  Gregor/The Vienna Blog

Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul's New Year's celebrations feature lively street parties, fireworks over the Bosphorus, and special events in iconic locations like Taksim Square.  Wikimedia Commons

Cologne, Germany

Germans celebrate Silvester (New Year's Eve) with fireworks, parties, and the custom of Bleigießen, where molten lead is dropped into cold water to predict the future.  Wikimedia Commons

Seoul, South Korea

New Year's celebrations in Seoul include the striking Bosingak Bell-Ringing Ceremony, cultural performances, and a spectacular fireworks show at the Bosingak Belfry.  Yong-Un Bae/Flickr

Marrakech, Morocco

Moroccans celebrate the Islamic New Year, known as Ras as-Sanah al-Hijriyah, with special prayers, family gatherings, and traditional festive foods.  Eco Desert Morocco

Reykjavik, Iceland

In Iceland, the celebration is unique with locals embracing the tradition of "Áramótaskaup," a satirical comedy TV show that humorously reflects on the events of the past year. The evening also involves community bonfires and stunning fireworks displays, creating a lively and festive atmosphere against the winter backdrop.  Visit Iceland

Prague, Czech Republic

Prague's New Year's celebrations center around Old Town Square, featuring live music, a grand fireworks display, and the iconic Astronomical Clock striking midnight.  Jan Fidler/Flickr


Ukrainian Missile Strikes Russian City, Prompting a Change in the War

Ukraine’s missile strike on Belgorod kills 20+, the deadliest on Russian soil in the 2-year war. Russia claims indiscriminate attack, vows retaliation. Belgorod assault seen as Ukraine’s response to a massive Russian air assault. Tensions escalate with cross-border strikes on Kharkiv.

December 30, 2023

Belgorod, Russia Alexxx Malev/Wikimedia Commons

Ukraine has launched a missile strike on the Russian city of Belgorod, resulting in at least 20 casualties and over 110 injuries, according to Russian officials. The assault, occurring on Saturday, marks the deadliest single attack on Russian soil since the commencement of the war nearly two years ago.

Russia’s Defense Ministry accuses Ukraine of targeting Belgorod, approximately 25 miles north of the Ukrainian border, with two missiles and multiple rockets.

The ministry characterized the strike as “indiscriminate,” stating that most rockets were intercepted, but some debris fell on the city. The Ukrainian government has not officially responded to the allegations, and independent verification of the Russian claims remains elusive.

The Belgorod attack is Ukraine’s retaliatory response to a massive and deadly Russian air assault against its territory a day earlier.

President Volodymyr Zelensky asserted in an overnight address that Ukraine would persist in pushing the war closer to Russia’s borders, declaring a steadfast commitment to bringing the conflict to Moscow’s doorstep.

In a swift and ominous response, Russian authorities vowed that the attack on Belgorod “would not go unpunished,” signaling an intent to retaliate. Subsequently, Ukrainian officials reported several Russian strikes on Kharkiv, a Ukrainian city located approximately 40 miles from Belgorod, underscoring the dangerous cross-border dynamics now at play.

The back-and-forth assaults highlight the determination of both Moscow and Kyiv to escalate the conflict, despite Ukraine’s challenges in securing Western funding, growing war fatigue in Russia, and staggering casualties on both sides.

Andriy Yermak, the head of the Ukrainian president’s office, affirmed on social media that there would be consequences for all crimes, while Russia’s Defense Ministry reiterated its commitment to responding to the attack on Belgorod.

The international community is closely monitoring the situation, with Russia announcing plans to convene an emergency U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss the attack. The developments have altered the course of the war, thrusting it across the Russian border and raising concerns about further escalation in the already protracted and devastating conflict.


Who Are Hamas’ Leaders?

It’s 83 days since October 7th. We’ve heard many statements from Israeli officials but little is known to the West about Hamas and its leadership. We take a look at some of the figures leading the organization.

December 29, 2023

Yehya Sinwar

Yehya Sinwar is known as Hamas' most senior leader in Gaza.  بلال الدويك/Wikimedia Commons

Wanted by Israel

He is thought to be the leader behind the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel.  Video Capture

Ismail Haniyeh

Ismail Haniyeh is the leader of Hamas' political bureau.  Russian State

Living in Exile

He is believed to be living a lavish life in Qatar, not Palestine, since 2023. He is seen here at the 25th anniversary celebration of Hamas.  FARS

Mohammed Deif

The elusive military leader, Deif, is captured in only two known photos (until this week) the latest dating back to 2000. Remaining unseen in public and seldom issuing recorded audio addresses, his whereabouts are a mystery, with speculation suggesting he may reside in Gaza's underground tunnel networks.  Uknown

Tunnel System

He is believed to be an archictect of Hamas' underground tunnel system. Israel has said he is one of the main individuals on their hit list.  

New Photo Emerges

This photo is claimed to be the latest sighting of Deif who appears to have only one eye, as believed.  Times of Israel (Screen capture; used in accordance with Clause 27a of the Copyright Law)

Ahmed Yassin

Ahmed Yassin was the founder of Hamas in 1987.  

Hamas Founder

Born in a Palestinian refugee camp, at age 12 he was paralyzed and bound to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. In Arabic, Hamas is an acronym for Islamic Resistance Movement. He died in 2004.  

U.S. News

Biden’s Border Policies Similar to Trump’s as Blinken Meets Mexican Leader

Biden mirrors GOP anti-immigrant stance as arrests surge at the U.S.-Mexico border. Talks with Mexico’s president yield scant details. Laura Carlsen warns of U.S. policies fueling migration, impacting trade, and blurring Democrat-Republican distinctions. Ongoing negotiations hint at resistance.

December 29, 2023

Border patrol apprehends migrants near El Paso, TX who crossed the Rio Grande River in 2019. Mani Albrecht/U.S. Customs and Border Protection

In a shift that mirrors GOP anti-immigrant rhetoric, the Biden administration has witnessed up to 10,000 daily arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border, reports Laura Carlsen, director of Mexico City’s think tank, MIRA: Feminisms and Democracies.

As Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas met with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, discussions focused on the escalating border crisis. Carlsen asserts that U.S. policies, including sanctions and an exported drug war, contribute to the migration surge they aim to control, fueling racism and aligning with Republican campaigns.

During the meeting, details were scarce, raising questions about the outcome. Carlsen told Democracy Now! that the Biden administration, adopting a Republican immigration framework for national security, faces challenges as it loses distinction from GOP positions.

Negotiations for funding involving Republican demands for reduced humanitarian visas and increased deportations may impact U.S. immigration policy. Mexico, crucial to executing these measures, grapples with the delicate balance of cooperating while safeguarding national sovereignty.

You see U.S. policies at loggerheads, where they are actually causing the migration that they then try to contain through these measures that are whipping up racism and that are also feeding into Republican campaigns.
Laura Carlsen

The meeting follows reports of Mexico’s directive to clear a border encampment, using bulldozers and machetes, drawing attention to the human cost of border policies. Simultaneously, a migrant caravan from Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador, and Haiti departed southern Mexico. Carlsen emphasizes that the Biden administration’s adoption of contentious policies has repercussions, impacting trade and showcasing the U.S.’s influence over Mexico’s economy.

President López Obrador’s request for an in-person meeting with President Biden signals potential resistance to some U.S. demands, indicating ongoing negotiations. Carlsen highlights the root causes behind migration, including U.S. sanctions on Venezuela and Cuba, contributing to increased human suffering and forced migration. The ongoing debate underscores the complexity of addressing immigration issues while considering human rights and the impacts of U.S. policies on migration patterns.